Monday, 10 September 2012

Exercise 1 - Communication

Assessment Description :
Using only one letter an 3 colours, describe a friend of yours.

Requirements :
Produce a work that communicates your idea. Describe how the letter and 3 colours represent your friend. 

Rationale :

For this exercise my partner’s name is Mohira Mullyadjanova, hence the letter M representing her initials. I have drawn the M at a larger scale because both her name and surname starts with M. The font that I have chosen is Cooper Std Black because of its shape. The blunt and rounded form of the alphabet ‘M’ gives it a warm and friendly face. This was my first impressions of Mohira. Inside the letter M, I have drawn her country’s flag as this is where she comes from which is Uzbekistan. The chequered background represents her clothing. Most of her clothing has the colours red and blue on them.

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